Start The Week ‘Zoom’

BEWI zoom screenshot

BEWI zoom screenshot

No, nothing to do with the popular Radio 4 programme but for the past few Mondays, those of us lucky enough not to dash off to work, have put on the kettle and settled down in front of our computer screens. What a good way to start the week, a chance to catch up with members of BEWI.

Zoom is helping us keep in touch with one another and with Ruth occasionally testing out the program’s options, we are “popped into breakout rooms” randomly chosen by the computer. This means we meet 3 or 4 other members and have the opportunity to talk about all sorts of things. The other benefit is that we can talk to someone we may not have chatted to before (no need to worry about names either as it’s shown on the screen).

The committee have helped anyone who has concerns about Zoom, it’s not difficult. So, what are you doing next Monday at 10.30am? Why not join us – see you then.