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Bransgore Community First Responders  –  Health Awareness Day.

Bransgore Community First Responders  –  Health Awareness Day.

On Saturday 11th May between 10am and 2 pm at the Village Hall, 116 Burley Road, Bransgore, BH23 8AY the local Bransgore Community First Responders will be holding a Health Awareness Day.

The responders, together, with others, are providing two sessions ( at 10.30 and 12.30 ) to show how easy it is to use one of the  defibrillators dotted around the village, and together with CPR, to help save the life of someone in cardiac arrest. Training manikins are available to enable anyone  to practice CPR etc  in a safe supportive environment.

Additionally, they will have their equipment with them and will demonstrate what they do, how they work and show some of their skills used to help the ambulance service and their patients.

To improve health awareness, there will be the chance to have a blood pressure check, blood sugar check and other basic checks as we have a Nurse Practitioner on site to help us and to answer any medical queries there may be.

And of course, tea and biscuits etc are available,

It would be helpful if those who want to attend the presentations could either E Mail is with the time they want, and the numbers of seats needed. Our E Mail for this is and the voicemail number if phoning is 0844 500 9699.

Do help us make this event a success and improve health awareness locally and make Bransgore a healthier and more aware community which, in turn will help save lives.

FACT-NHS Ambulance Services attempt resuscitation in approx. 30,000 people each year.

FACT- Most cardiac arrests (72%) occur in the home or a workplace (15%).

FACT- Half of all Out of Hospital Cardiac Arrests are witnessed by a bystander.

FACT- Most cardiac arrests occur in adults (98%), amongst whom one third (33%) were aged 15-64 years.

FACT- The chance of survival from a shockable cardiac arrest heart rhythm reduces by approximately 10% for every minute delay

FACT-Public access defibrillator use is reported as being used in less than 1 in 10 OHCA.

Bransgore WI Events