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Bransgore Evening WI – Blog


Dental Health Matters

Every year NFWI considers resolutions proposed by the membership.  This year the proposal was “Dental Health Matters” and it was passed with an overwhelming 95.5% margin as delegates called for
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Samaritans Awareness Day

Every year in July, Samaritans branches in the UK and Ireland hold local events to raise awareness that Samaritans are here to listen to anyone who’s struggling to cope, at
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New members


NFWI National Chair, Ann Jones addressed her final Annual Meeting (4000 delegates attended at the Royal Albert Hall) last month.  During the year she has travelled the country visiting WIs
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June Crafty Girls

Flowers and summer days

BEWI members seem to be surrounded by flowers in this wonderful month of June and summer has arrived with long warm days.  Many of our members were involved with plans
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June Gardening club 14

Coronation Planter

BEWI have been involved with the Coronation Planter, now in position by the Village Hall playground, from the original idea and donation of funds, to planting, completed this week by
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June visit to Fashion Museum 9

Yesterday’s fashion

There are plenty of beautiful Georgian houses in Blandford Forum (built after the town’s Great Fire in 1731) and one of them, Lime Tree House, is home to the Blandford
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