Dental Health Matters

Every year NFWI considers resolutions proposed by the membership.  This year the proposal was “Dental Health Matters” and it was passed with an overwhelming 95.5% margin as delegates called for more government investment to relieve the chronic shortage of NHSD dentists.

The NFWI Public Affairs Department will now develop a WI campaign to take action on the dental health crisis both locally and nationally. There will be lots of opportunities for members to get involved.  More than 12 million people were unable to access NHS dental care in 2023 – more than 1 in 4 adults in England. And 90% of dental practices are no longer accepting new NHS adult patients. Tooth decay is the number one reason for children to be admitted to hospital.

That’s why NFWI are urging all members to get involved in our campaign to end this crisis.  You can find a letter to send to your MP by logging on to MyWI.


NFWI National Chair, Ann Jones addressed her final Annual Meeting (4000 delegates attended at the Royal Albert Hall) last month.  During the year she has travelled the country visiting WIs and commented on ‘warm welcomes and an enormous sense of optimism and excitement for the future’.  She is celebrating the WI’s increased numbers with an average of 66 new members a day joining in the last year.  BEWI has also welcomed new members and we realise it’s not always easy joining a new organisation and learning what is happening and who everyone is.  One of our well established events is a meeting just for new members so they can start to get to know each other and last week Ann Hayden, BEWI president invited them to her home and it looks like they had a great time.

Flowers and summer days

BEWI members seem to be surrounded by flowers in this wonderful month of June and summer has arrived with long warm days.  Many of our members were involved with plans for the Coronation planter; we visited a member’s pretty garden; our monthly photo competition theme was “Fabulous Flowers” and our Crafty Girls created glorious blooms out of crepe paper.  These artificial blooms were so good, they looked like some of the excellent photos submitted for the competition.  BEWI endeavours to find activities that members enjoy, not necessarily because they are good at them but it’s fun to learn in a group.  WI members can access courses via the WI Learning Hub as well as by working together with our own creative BEWI members.

The WI Learning Hub is part of the ongoing commitment of the NFWI and Denman Trust, to provide WI members flexible access to education.  Non-WI members can continue to access a number of courses available on the Hub for a charge; if you would like to find out more about joining the WI movement, visit

Do you think you would like to join BEWI, contact us via our Join Us tab.

Coronation Planter

BEWI have been involved with the Coronation Planter, now in position by the Village Hall playground, from the original idea and donation of funds, to planting, completed this week by BEWI Gardening Club members.  The Coronation Planter has a variety of drought resistant and colourful plants.
We now need assistance from all our members.  Help is required with keeping them watered please. The sun is hot at 9am already and although our BEWI gardeners have watered them, bringing various containers filled with water, and put a thick layer of mulch to keep the moisture in, only the top layer is damp. If you are near the Village Hall for whatever reason, please can you take a container of water with you and help us keep these beautiful plants alive. Thank you in anticipation!
Our thanks to all those, too numerous to mention who have been involved in this project but especially to our local garden experts, MacPennys for advice and delivering everything that was needed. We look forward to seeing how the plants grow and hope they make you smile when visiting the Village Hall.

Yesterday’s fashion

There are plenty of beautiful Georgian houses in Blandford Forum (built after the town’s Great Fire in 1731) and one of them, Lime Tree House, is home to the Blandford Fashion museum.  Exhibitions show visitors historic dress and textiles and the connection between fashion and social history. Members of BEWI were treated to an informative talk and tour by one of their volunteers and the opportunity to wander through the rooms at our leisure.  Currently, one area is dedicated to Olympic clothing, some on loan by Dame Tanni Grey-Thompson and another room displays nightwear from Baby Doll nighties to exquisite fine white lace on a modest full length nightdress.  There is such a great range of outfits, something for everyone plus an excellent tearoom and some bits and bobs to try on.

Most definitely worth a visit.





Our congratulations to BEWI Officers and all the members of the committee.  The Annual Meeting last week had us thinking back over the last year to remember all the events, speakers, challenges and fun.  Our local WI may focus on friendship and support but we are all members of the WI, a campaigning organisation that initially shared much history with the Suffragettes and today is still has a powerful voice.  Last year’s resolution (a democratic decision taken with all members having a vote) started a campaign for Clean Rivers for People and Wildlife which seems highly appropriate when reading the News over the last week.  The WI continues to discuss Microfibres, Loneliness, Transport and it’s probable that the next campaign will focus on Dental Health Matters.

Yes we sang Jerusalem at our Annual Meeting but we’re not all making jam!  Good luck to our President Ann for her next year and to our hard-working committee.

If you are interested in finding out more, send us a message using the Join Us tab.


Fun Day 2024

BEWI bakers had been busy in their kitchens, volunteers were set to set up! Everyone watched the sky as our annual village Fun Day prepared for a wonderful time.  Sadly the skies turned grey and it drizzled for most of the time but it didn’t stop the Fun.  Rotarians, Scouts, Zumba dancers, Charities, Classic Cars, dogs, children and locals all pulled together to make the day a success.  Our thanks to everyone who purchased a cake or two, we hope you enjoyed them.   Congratulations to the winner of our huge chocolate cake.  All monies raised will be donated to BEWI’s annual chosen charity.


Perfect places

The BEWI Gardening Club met on Monday and it wasn’t raining!  The weather, of course, has been a much discussed topic and our inability to get out into our gardens.  Vicky, our gardening host, didn’t appear to have stopped working in her garden and it was a delight.  The acer was a stunning red as was the blossoming crabapple tree.  Plants appear to fall over themselves to impress.  The would-be knowledgeable gardeners puzzled over some plants with shield shaped leaves and strangely shaped blooms.  In the end, with the aid of Google, we decided they were Friar’s Cowl plants, that was until we check with local horticultural guru Bob who identified it as Mouse tail or Mouse plant, Latin name Arisarum proboscideum.  The plant thrives in woodland and we’ve all learnt something new.  Leaving Vicky’s vivacious garden we visited Christine’s charming garden with carefully laid our contrasting colourful plants.  Heuchera leaves and hellebores thrived with tulips making a great show.  The greatest fun of the gardening club is the sharing of ideas and helping one another.  Our thanks to Vicky and Christine for a lovely morning.

“Don’t kill granny………..

send her to the Gym”

This was a headline grabbing comment from our speaker in March and Dr Hugh Bethell certainly had our attention during his talk on “exercise, fitness and health”.  Coincidentally, as it is Nutrition and Hydration week (11-17 March 2024) the WI this week worked with England Netball & TheWellHQ to produce  some useful resources and information starting with the question “do you drink enough water throughout the day? ”  BEWI members were given lots of information on Tuesday and, hopefully, members will take heed of the need to exercise and hydrate, after all we all want to live a healthy life.

Next month our speaker is Diana Mitchell, Highclere Castle’s head guide. She leads a team of around thirty enthusiastic guides who help to ensure visitors to the ‘real Downton Abbey’ get the best out of their experience. BEWI are visiting Highclere in the summer.

If you are interested in finding out more about BEWI, come along to a meeting.  Let us know by clicking on the Join Us tab.  I’m off to have glass of water now.